Survey Says - I want a title company that works for me


Bobbi Pronin


April 9, 2024

A couple signing closing documents in an office

When at long last, the search for a dream home is over – when the sale price is settled, the terms are in place, and the offer is finally accepted – what is the single thing both agents and homebuyers want?

According to comments heard by both groups, it’s a smooth and timely closing.

The fact is the weeks before closing can be stressful on many levels.

“My last closing was difficult because of issues with the buyer’s lender,” said one agent. “Without the expertise of our team at our title company, it might never have closed at all.”

“The weeks before closing is an exciting and scary time,” one homebuyer said. “Our title company was there to answer all our questions, and they were so patient and friendly.”

The main job of a title company, of course, is to search public records to ensure that the home’s title is clear of any defects, or issues, such as liens, or unpaid taxes, or unknown heirs that could impact the buyer’s interest the home – and to help resolve such issues so that the transaction may be completed.

Beyond that, however, there is the human side of the business; the integrity and approachability people want and expect as they wait for title to be cleared.

Our informal survey of agents and homebuyers revealed the qualities our customers value most:

  • Professionalism – Cited most often was expertise, honesty, and efficiency
  • Friendliness – Approachability and a welcoming manner came in a close second
  • Affordability – While most states regulate fees assessed by title companies, many customers were surprised and pleased at the reasonable fees charged
  • Customer service – Into this basket poured a variety of traits, such as flexibility, responsiveness, and help with understanding the seemingly endless paperwork

While this feedback is valuable, these qualities are just the starting point for what a good title company should offer. In addition to these, our brands provide the following resources:

  1. Virtual Training and Education: Through REALsource University, we’re committed to helping real estate agents worldwide develop their expertise and grow their businesses. Join our live training events covering various topics designed to assist you in building your business. Sign up for one of this month’s classes here!
  2. Digital Solutions: Our dedication extends to serving real estate agents, loan officers, lenders, and their customers. As the world becomes increasingly digital, we focus on technological advancements that contribute to the future of real estate.

Choosing a title company is typically the responsibility of the homebuyer. However, since most buyers have limited knowledge about title work at the start of their transaction, they often rely on their agent’s recommendation.

We don’t often boast about our achievements. Instead, we work diligently behind the scenes to ensure smooth closings with minimal hiccups. As your title partner, we appreciate your business and remain committed to serving you and your clients with the friendliness and professionalism you deserve.


This material is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, no representation is made as to its accuracy. This material is not intended to be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. You are encouraged to consult your legal, tax or investment professional for specific advice. 

About Bobbi Pronin

Barbara Pronin is an award-winning writer based in Orange County, Calif. A former news editor with more than 30 years of experience in journalism and corporate communications, she has specialized in real estate topics for over a decade. 

Bobbi is not an employee of Anywhere Integrated Services or affiliated with its title companies.  


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